
Crystal Hues also provides digitization services for educational institutes such as global institutes, universities, libraries and national archives.

Since the company was founded way back in 1989, we have always been offering our customers efficient services within real time. Crystal Hues is honestly committed to delivering value through the use of technology and will always relentlessly focus on creating innovative technology solutions.

We take extreme pride in announcing our company's forte, which is to deliver premium, one-stop-solution that promotes cost-efficiency, scalability and thoughtful customer care.

We also apply the latest technology to aid clients achieve a cutting edge in their respective business ventures. We can also successfully convert analog information in many other forms such as text, photographs, voice, etc. to digital formats with the help of suitable electronic devices such as a scanner or specialized computer chips. The information could later be carefully developed, stored and transmitted through digital circuits, equipment and networks.

Crystal Hues also implements Project Management strategies and works relentlessly towards planning, implementing, operating and scaling digitization solutions.

Some of the industries we work for include:
  • Libraries
  • Universities and colleges
  • Publishers
  • Schools for the Blind
  • Government Organizations
  • Law firms
  • Non-profit and non-government organizations

Scanning - Books/ Microfilms/ Microfiche

Transcription Services

XML and DTD Design Schema

OCR & Indexing